Winter poses many challenges for those who drive. Whether running errands in the neighborhood, commuting on surface roads or traveling on the tollways, the combination of cold and inclement weather dramatically increases the risks. This can involve trying to navigate...
Motor Vehicle Accidents – Plaintiff
Distracted to death: The fatal consequences of negligent driving
If you lost a loved one due to the negligent actions of another driver, it is very possible that distraction played a role in the fatal accident. You want answers and support, yet you may not know where to turn when dealing with the financial fallout that often...
Driving in Ohio is more dangerous than you realize
How often do you get in the car and go about your business? Every day? Several times a day, even? If you're like most people, you're probably more focused on dropping off the kids, getting to work on time and running your errands than you are on the possibility of a...