Birth Injury
Having a baby is supposed to be one of the highlights of a parent’s life. As with all things, sometimes things go drastically wrong. There are situations in which this is unavoidable and no one person can be assigned fault.
Other times, mistakes are made that put the lives of the baby and mother at risk. These are situations that could have been averted with some thought on the part of the doctor or medical staff.
Common Causes Of Birth Injury
Failure to respond to complications, conditions or disorders during pregnancy or delivery
Improper use of medical devices
Failure to perform a necessary cesarean section in a timely manner
Improper assessment of a baby’s overall health while in the uterus
Improper prescription of medication during pregnancy
All these can cause damage that will affect the child and his or her parents for the rest of their lives. This is the time to get a lawyer.
Rumizen Weisman Attorneys works with medical experts to show conduct below a generally accepted standard of medical care. We know how to approach OB-GYN liability in Ohio with compassion for the victims, and we know how to build a strong case against the medical professional or institution.
Helping Parents Provide Care For Their Injured Children
It has been estimated that five out of every 1,000 deliveries will result in birth injury. In some of these cases, the injury is caused by unforeseen complications that the doctor deals with at the time and no other outcome is possible. Other situations arise from use of an improper medical technique or improper use of a medical device that could easily have been circumvented with forethought on the part of the doctor or another medical professional.
The Cleveland birth injury attorneys at Rumizen Weisman Attorneys understand the pain that both parents and child go through when these things happen. Frequently, a parent will have to give up all hope of returning to work because of needing to care for a permanently injured child for the rest of his or her life. This results in lost income and increased medical bills, all of which could have been avoided if more care had gone into the delivery. Rumizen Weisman Attorneys knows how to evaluate and present these cases so that medical practitioners are brought to justice and families are adequately compensated.
Call 216-273-6739 or contact us via email to schedule your free initial consultation today.