When a wrongful death lawsuit is filed in Ohio, the result depends on whether the person died because of negligence. A recent example focuses on a woman who came to an early death because she fell down the stairs in a Manhattan subway station. The woman was struggling with a baby carriage because the subway station did not have an elevator. Consequently, she had to struggle as she tried to transport the stroller. Statistics show that hundreds of subways located in New York City do not install elevators as alternatives to stairways.
According to the New York Times, the woman fell at night in a subway station located in Manhattan. She was already unconscious when the ambulance arrived. Her baby girl was still conscious and was transported to the home of her grandparents.
In New York City, subway stations are already being addressed by political activists because these stations are said to violate the Americans With Disabilities Act. Approximately 75 percent of New York City’s subway stations do not provide elevators. Meanwhile, frequent subway travelers acknowledge the fact that most of the existing elevators experience constant problems. The mother who fell down the stairs is just one example out of a growing number of subway patrons who have difficulties getting up or down the stairs.
Whether in New York City or elsewhere, elderly seniors, parents with strollers, travelers and people with disabilities have specific legal rights. One of these rights is to have reasonable access to an elevator when the person finds it difficult to walk down a flight of stairs. Family members of a person who has died because of negligence may want to know whether they have a wrongful death claim by consulting with a personal injury attorney.
Source: Jezebel, A Young Woman Fell and Died Trying to Carry Her Baby’s Stroller, Anna Merlan, Jan. 29, 2019